Monday, December 22, 2008

Rockland Winter Wonderland

A couple of snow storms could not keep the Rockland faithful from snatching up all the good deals to be had in the stores as well in the real estate market. Friday saw our first real snow of the season and as usual sent Rocklanders scurrying about frantically for that last loaf of bread or gallon of milk on the shelves before we got snowed in for a week! At least that's what it seemed like.

On a serious note, with interest rates so low (as low as 5.00%) with some banks and prices at there lowest point in years buyers were trying to find the best deals in the market during a snow storm. I was busy all weekend showing homes to would be buyers who braved the inclement weather to look for a new home. The only things stopping this from being a really busy week in real estate is the Christmas holiday. My wife has already yelled at me because friday, saturday and sunday are already full of buyer showings.

This is a very smart time for buyers to buy right now, if you have been looking all summer without success well then your reward awaits you. Oh and by the way if you bought a house this summer and have a case of buyers remorse don't, yes someone might get a slightly better deal than you but the most important thing to remember is that we all buy or sell when we need or have to. Do not regret your decision because you also made a very safe buying decision.

A note to anyone selling their home right now, if a buyer wants to see your home during a snow storm be smart and invite them into your home. Besides the fact that they are serious and not your average "tire kicker" you get the chance to show them how comfy and cozy your home is on a miserable winter day. Think about this, if a buyers current living conditions were comfy, cozy, warm and inviting do you really think they would leave that to go house hunting? No way they want what you have so show it off any chance you get.

Mike Gorham
Keller Williams
Hudson Valley Realty

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

If you are in the market to buy or refinance, Do it!

I will have more on this later as I am running to my son's pre-school Christmas Spectacular! I firmly believe that when you look back 5-10 years from now you will have that sick feeling in your stomach if you did not decide to buy or refinance now!

You have to understand that when national media says "now is the time to buy" that usually means you are too late. they are typically 60-90 days behind the curve (being generous) which is a shame because the media has so much influence.

Gotta run, I will have more on this later.

Mike Gorham
Keller Williams
Hudson Valley Realty

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Enjoy The Blog out of It

I wanted to start this blog for family, friends, past clients and future clients as way to communicate and share local knowledge, events and real estate trends in Rockland County, NY.

I encourage anyone to participate and welcome all kinds of questions and feedback. I will try not to bombard you with boring stats and trends that you can find anywhere on the web these days but I will post important articles that affect us locally.

As always if you or someone you need is in need of my services please don't hesitate to call or email me.


Mike Gorham
Keller Williams
Hudson Valley Realty